Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Liberté toujours

With New Year comes in 2008 in many european countries another measure that is as well very important : the non-smoking policy in public places. It exists already in some countries. If I recall well Ireland was the first country of the European Community to establish this law but far after the US and California the headmaster. I remember visiting a friend in Dublin and it took me by surprise that 1) we had to go for dinner at 7.00 p.m. (everything is closed by midnight or so) and 2) I had to smoke outside. When you know what’s the weather like in this country suddenly you’re becoming less smoky. In Spain or France I never had troubles because you can smoke almost everywhere so I just had to avoid the non-permitted areas. A few weeks ago I was in Frankfurt. Germany has this particularity that because of its federalism any « Land » can establish a delay to apply the law. That is why here in Berlin it only starts officially today when in Nordrhein-Westfallen it’s done a long time ago. And it took me by surprise a second time. I was visiting A. and when we entered the restaurant I knew something was unusual. Of course : no smoke flying in the air, no smell of cold ashes on the walls, only good food smells. But it didn’t disturb me that early and should I say I was even pleased to have the real taste of meat, vegetables and wine in my mouth. It became an issue later that night when we carried on going out and at this very moment I wished to lit a cig and I couldn’t. So what’s now ? Becoming nervous because the drug is missing ? going out of the bar in that cold and smoke so quickly I don’t even enjoy it ? No fun. That is at this very moment you notice your addiction. And it hurts. I had this debate with friends and colleagues and we smokers agree that this non-smoking policy is a good thing. I don’t see why I should impose to my non-smoking friends nd other people in the place anything they prohibit. But we need to see the other side : why should I be banned because of my habit ? and that is why something must be done for us, smokers. We need to find ways to allow us to smoke without disturbing the non-ones and in respect of the law. I already noticed that somes bars created some « area for smokers » outside with heat and tables which I find a very nice attention. Furthermore it gives us the possibility to avoid for a moment noise and conversation you don’t want to follow. So now is created a new way of meeting people because you have no choice than to be together and why not starting the conversation ? I feel it very good and it will become very interesting when the season will turn sunny and warm when the non-smokers will want to come outside. Why don’t we park them inside in their smoke-free places like they wanted it and let us enjoy the warmth of the evening drinking a nice glass of wine and breathing the smoke of my fellows cigarettes ... Petit à petit feu ?

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