It is scientific : the strippers under contraceptive pill receive fewer tips than their other colleagues, who, them, touch varying payments for the simple to the double. In the evenings when these ladies are in period of ovulation, the public distributes them up to 70 dollars each. On the other hand, when, fortnight later, these professionals have their rules, their tips fall of half. "The women loosen a more exciting smell when they ovulate ". This example proves, as the others more suitable, to which point the smells influence us, even dominate us. The sense of smell is nevertheless an underestimated sense. Wrongly. Because "no other sense can influence in so direct way our hormonal production, and thus our behavior", asserts Hanns Hatt, one of the big world specialists of the sense of smell, which publishes in the publishing of the CNRS (NATIONAL CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH) its last works, nicely titled "The chemistry of the love". At 62 years old, the German scientist, the director of a team of 60 persons at the university of Bochum, boasts about some major discoveries. It is him who demonstrated the first one whom our nose was not the only one to smell. Among our 30 000 genes, 350 serve for producing olfactive receivers, they are among all our chromosomes. So, our bowel can smell (it is sensitive to the marine breeze, for example), the prostate has the smell of the violet. So, "we shall soon demonstrate that by sending an opposing smell in the prostate we can slow down the cellular division". That would establish a promising and totally new way to slow down the progress of a cancer" we are there only at the beginning, the works on the sense of smell open great therapeutic opportunities". The professor Hatt elaborates at the moment a smell which, ten times as powerful as Valium, an anxiolytic, could obtain the same curative results. He also asserts that a smell could serve as contraceptive, safe and natural. Because here is another one of his discoveries: sperm cells are talented smellers, they are guided thanks to the smells, these acting as signposts in their movements. Two receivers, situated just below the head, react with a vibrating energy in the smells of the lily of the valley as in those, the fruity. As a result, it is not crazy to dream that by preventing the sperm cells from smelling we would reduce them to the immobility. Impossible then to go to meet the ovule, at the bottom of fallopian tubes. No lily of the valley, no baby. The champion of the sense of smell lives however our nose, "unique organ the perceptions of which are in direct drive with the brain, in particular with the tonsils. It is on these two glands, no bigger than two walnuts, one for every hemisphere of the brain, that concentrate all our feelings, our instincts and our drives. They can react in a flash of lighting when a smell reaches them. "These smells dictate us impulsive behavior, to which it is difficult to resist. Swiss researchers made sniff to women T-shirts worn several days by men. The more the immune system of a man differed from theirs, the more the women found the smell, erotic. As a result, the Swiss researchers at the origin of this experiment asserted that the nose of the women is of use to reproduce, men people whose genetic heritage is the most remote from theirs, "so assuring their offspring a bigger variety of genes". Without thinking even of conceiving an offspring, the women look for instinctively the company of strongly male smells. To prove it, we soaked the seats of a waiting room of androsterone, substance drawn from the male perspiration. And quite specially that of the armpits. Little delicate smell, thus. The women enter the room and are automatically going to sit down on armchairs secretly perfumed. Whatever is the place where they are near the door, under an opened window, etc. or their level of comfort. The researchers renewed the experiment by splashing with androsterone the seats of theater, phone boxes or toilet of a pension for girls. Bingo, the feminine noses rushed there. The sense of smell gives orders to our brain, without that it succeeds in escaping it well. So much that the doctors wonder about the possibilities of waking patients in the coma by making them smell a liked one. When Ariel Sharon, former Israeli Prime Minister, sank into the coma, it was tried to wake him with smells of falafels. Unsuccessfully, however. The smell leads us. And signs us. Each of us secretes the own smell, so unique as its fingerprint. Infalsifiable, and impossible to mask under other artificial steams. We suspected it, but Austrian academics verified it, here is three years, in an alpine valley. 127 inhabitants had been requested not to wash themselves, nor use perfume, drink coffee or food with garlic during twelve days. "The olfactive profile of a particular individual and its sex consists of 373 chemical components, explains Hanns Hatt, even after four weeks the smell of an individual seems unchanged. " A chemical imprint which the East German secret police collected with accuracy. The film "The life of the others" begins with an interrogation. The suspect 227, the hands put under the thighs, answers for forty hours questions on his timetable. His calvary finished, he is evacuated, the policeman Gerd Wiesler removes the gloved hands, the cover of the chair, then place everything in a numbered jar. This tissue, filled with the chemical imprint of the suspect 227, will allow dogs to reveal its passage, or to redraw its routes. "After the fall of the Wall, more than thousand samples of this type were found in isolated sheds in Berlin and Leipzig. These olfactive tracks inspire more democratic governments today. So, when in 2007 is held in Heiligendamm the G8 summit, presumed opponents were called and asked to hold metallic tubes in the hands, to leave it their tracks.