Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Is mummy sexy ?

Because they like the contact of Cellophane, certain fetishists literally are plasticized. We call them " cellophiles ", not to say "pervert-polymer". For them, nothing more exciting than a transparent spool : they themselves wind inside and are transformed into mummy, the body wrapped up head to toe. In France, the most known cellophile is called Hotskin. On his web site, we can read slogans : " completely cellophane-wrapped, an intense pleasure ". Hotskin praises virtues of the packaging, with a contagious enthusiasm. For a very good reason: the Cellophane presents many sorts of advantages. It holds very warmly and makes an excellent isothermal garment. Ít adheres to the skin as an electrostatic veil, getting a delicious sensation like a kiss. And especially, It grinds erotically the body in the fascinating and transparent girdle. " We can carry the Cellophane as indoor clothe, explains Hotskin. It is rather sexy because we see the naked body through ". Last advantage, and not the slightest: that costs ten times cheaper than lingerie. " The cost price of the Cellophane: from 3 to 6 euro the roller. As a general rule, for a person of a size of 1 meter 80, a single roller (30 meters) is enough for covering the body with a perfect waterproofness ". Over and above the fact that no need of maintenance. Saving the washing powderand the ironing, you use every time a new roller of plastic, which adapts itself perfectly to your morphology. Hotskin has not enough words to describe the benefits of Cellophane. For him, that goes back up when he was a teenager : " I was 14-15 years old, he explains. I had my first enjoyments by masturbating me with a plastic bag. But it's when I was 16 years, I discovered the Cellophane, a more attractive material". The Cellophane, as a placenta molds the body like in a liquid and warm cocoon, which reminds unconsciously memories of pre-natal happiness … As most of the cellophiles, Hotskin likes the feeling of being tightened well in a second skin. That calls back him when he was a baby, in the belly of his mother. Covered by cellophane, he remains untouchable, protected from the outside world, in a state of incredible well-being. " Another magic moment, it is when I tear the packaging. I have the feeling to be reborn ". As a butterfly who goes out of his chrysalis, Hotskin is happy to be freed. " On average I remain three or four hours packed in the cello, and It feels good after all this time. But I remain longer cellophane-wrapped: I already stayed almost 10 hours like that. " Every time, (that is as soon as he can make it (discreetly), Hotskin realizes his fantasy: he warpes himself, at night, stays a long moment in his bed, wrapped up strictly in this plastic film, then - as a snake which makes its metamorphosis, he extracts of the envelope. In the 40s, the sessions with mummies obtained such a success that curious paid a very high price to see an Egyptian corpse be unswaddled. The final stage, when we saw appearing the stiff penis mummies (made moreover bigger and longer by petrified asphalt), hardened like by imitation the anatomy of certain spectators. "The internal experiment of the man is given in an instant when, breaking the chrysalis, he is conscious to tear himself", writes Georges Bataille in his book The Erotism. Translation: nothing more brilliant that to imprison itself in a material very close to the body. When we go out of it, we break the mould. We feel free. " In psychiatric environment, the use of wet envelopes reminds to sick people its outline and its border with the outside world ", explains François-Paul Cavallier, trainer in psychology. The mummification by Cellophane allows in the same way to re-appropriate its body: " he can then say himself, dream, be allowed to go to his fantasies, to invent himself ".

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