Thursday, October 9, 2008

9th October's nightmare

There is this attractive woman B in this bar, talking and laughing with friends, having a simple good time. The man A comes in this bar, a bit tired from his day work, oppressed by the worries laid on his shoulders. He just wants to have a simple good time, talking and laughing with friends, which does not happen very much lately. His mother C puts a more heavier weight, arguing with him about the fact that at his age, he’s still not married and the family has no lineage. Because It is a wealthy family, involved in politics and finance : the power. So the family must carry on living. But this time, not playing the hunter, A starts to seduce B and she seems pleased. Like any other new couple, they meet each other many weeks, going from restaurant to movie, walks in the park, hugs on the street waiting for the green light, passionate sex in the coloured bedspread. Then all those beautiful colours faded to grey as soon as C was introduced to B. Why do mothers see bride-to-be as potential threat ? C wants to be a grandmother, not a step mother, she’s too possessive. So of course she dispises B spontaneously behind her well educated politness. Nevertheless A and B are soon engaged and they will live in the big empty dead family house. They got married, she’s pregnant, she gives birth to a beautiful boy, and all seems right until C decides to take things over. B wants to protect her child and after a while of never ending fighting, decides to have a break and negociates holidays outside the family house. She thinks everything is in order but yet arrives at the airport and finds out that she’s been followed. Frightened, she changes her plan, rent a car and drives away but now 2 cars follow her including C who now will not give a chance to B. The hunt starts until the car pursuit, as bad and dangerous as the “bullit” one. During this insane scene, we expect the crash of the car of B together with the child but of course C can’t risk to kill him, witness of the survival of the family. B can’t drive any faster, she is scared and more and more for herself and her baby child. She drives in a dead end, stops the car, takes the baby in her arms and runs. But she’s not trained, falls in the mud, head first. C had the time to park, gun in the hand and shoots in the back, realizing too late her mistake. A, who always was tared appart between wife and mother, only has his eyes to cry, lost for ever.

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