Sunday, December 21, 2008

How to cook your gun

Read in the paper, this true story : a young policeman just made his semi-automatic Sig Pro gun melt, putting it in the oven to dry it ! After conscientiously having cleaned it, with soap water, then to have rinsed it, he put it in an electric oven, thermostat at 7. Called on the telephone, he let it there for about 20 minutes, before finding it back, melt, and completely out of use. The policeman explained that he was not the only one to act like this and he did It many times before, but for a shorter time (10 minutes), without noticing anything serious happened. Apparently, in any case, because invisible deformations of the gun’s carcass can appear, making Its use hazardous. This practice seemed to happen a lot with the previous gun of the police, the Mac 50. But there is a big difference between the two guns : the old one is in metal when the new one is in polymeric – a material that hardly can stand the heat of the oven !

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