Saturday, October 13, 2012


I remember when Lugosi was only a name attached with a Bela. Then it was a movie directed by late Tony Scott "The Hunger" with this unforgetable opening scene in the club and since last evening for me in Berlin, It is a bar a bit gloomy in Kreuzberg that bears his name. The lights are dim, the spartan atmosphere, the naked walls. No bed, no chair is ready to lounge or slouch, but edged tables and wooden chairs. A bar for people who like to sit upright, despise bourgeois coziness and appreciate a quality range of spirits and soft drinks. On the card and for those who does not know them you should definitely try La Mortuacienne - French precious lemonade recipes from the 1920s, with the taste and the color of grapefruit, lemons, oranges and tangerines. The card provides the right drinks for experts - some classics and many successful creations, like this: a shot of absinthe, infused with the juice of blackcurrants and Riesling wine. The shimmering dark purple drink, called Lugosi and leaves on the tongue a pleasant bittersweet aftertaste I guess. As usual we had wine but unfortunately was not that tasty but we had a great time. 

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