Monday, September 22, 2008


Found in the paper today, this article of English Adrian White from the university of Leicester : He made a worldwide map of the happiness in 2007, with 5 criteria : health, wealth, education, national identity and beauty of landscape. France is behind Mongolia and Salvador. Spain and Italy have 28th and 29th position, Germany 20th and Switzerland 2nd. Do French have to work more to be happier ? Research make it that a higher salary does not bring necessarily happiness. But why putting only those 5 criteria to study happiness ? and how can you explain that even if France has good results everywhere, the rank is 62 ? How do you explain that so many English move to France (just compare the health system !) ? I am positive saying that France is a very nice country with a lot possibilities. Only the French like to groan all the time (which is not true, of course).

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