Wednesday, April 16, 2008


From tonight in Berlin will start what is for me the best film festival : Verzaubert. During this week of the year you can discover gay life around the world, simple-difficult-funny-whatever stories and it is very refreshing because you feel an energy in movie makers that I appreciate a lot. You also have the opportunity to meet a lot of people who have something to say and are not afraid to share or debate. Of course what I am a fan of is the "GAY PROPAGANDA NIGHT" because it is a big time of the event : it is the short film presentation and it's a format I like very much. In 15-20 minutes we don't need to investigate very far in the character or to take half an hour to show us the landscape, we go straight to the point. It avoids endless negociations and we have spontaneously an opinion. But this short film can also be very long or also very short. It's a good practice for maybe later do a 2 hours movie for which i hardly go. And with short movies you also have the time to see more and I am excited to see movies from different countries. I am pleased to see that this year France is in good position in the programm and it makes the festival even more intesresting. Of course we need in those times a bit of red carpet and that is why will be presented tonight for the opening night "Savage Grace" with the talented actress Julianne Moore. Can't wait ...

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