Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ice Age

I loved the first one, of course. It was so refreshing and unexpected. This story of this mammoth, the tiger and other animals is rather incredible but It is full of emotions, simple to understand and funny. The little extra made with the nut seeker is also a very good idea and keeping it and developing the idea with the followers is a good idea. The second part was logical because the mammoth believes he’s the last on his own until it meets his woman, a new idea of story behind this and It’s made. But the third part … Suddenly there are too many characters and too much action. I was a bit disappointed because this third opus does not have the freshness of the first one. It’s as they have found a recipe that works and uses it as much as they can. But It does not make a success. Though technique is way improved (you even can see the eye lashes moving with the wind) but again without the right entertainment, It goes nowhere. Meaning It is very enjoyable but I would say the key strength is the relations hip between the characters and this is running out of steam. It looks like the effort is inert and uninspired and they use the animals to disguise their lack of ambition. I’m not even sure It is made for kids anymore, the action goes so fast, the eye can’t catch a movement. It is definitely not as fresh or as funny as before. Lucky us, they made out in summer when there is absolutely nothing else to go for.

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