Sunday, August 2, 2009

Post it

Recently, as I passed at my friend's Pierre's, his desk which is also his dining table was sprinkled with post-its. I had brought a cake so I stored the small papers in order to make for us enough space for it. They said, all in red and capital letters :
Urgent: tax declaration dead line Thursday
Urgent- mail to boss n°1 for payment reminder.
Urgent: father’s day + mother’s day, late, but what ?
Urgent- mail to boss n°2 for delay. To negociate, Wednesday ?
Urgent- call for offer boss n°3order "choc strategy" N.Klein
Urgent- blood test results
Cat litter toothbrush toilet paper Cancel Cathy
Cancel Helena, Call Tom
Send my CV to Andy+++ extremely urgent phone call to bank appointment - overdraft. Today absolutely!!
On the last one I picked up, we could read, in blue italics : «Admit indeed that for happiness, I am not even a fortnight near”.

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