Monday, November 19, 2007

Black Sheep

Before going at the GMF we went to see a german film, made in Berlin. I rarely accept to go german films because I just don't understand. So when it's all made in the city I even say no before knowing the subject because of the language and difference of accents. But my good friend M. is persuasive enough, we had a good dinner at home (I cooked Boeuf bourguignon, good with this weather and good before partying) and the film is with english subtitles. The subject " à la Altman" (different stories mixed together) finished to decide myself and we went. Well it's a wonderful surprise. We had such a good time and it's been a while since I laughed so good at the cinema. It's nothing complicated but it's good entertainment and it is sooooo the city. Please have a look at Kino-central. I wish the film has a good success. Schwarze Schafe (black sheep)

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