Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Benefit party

The party world of the city, the gay one Darlin', is mostly ruled by trans. Those know how to party and we expect them to be at every place we go to have fun. As far as I remember I always knew them so I guess we must have more or less the same age although they know damm well to put make up (and a dress) when I hardly can do my eye brow (even with the shaving machine, it's catastrophy). We feel nevertheless that when after the party we go quietly home and find our "normal" life back, they have to carry on with their "normal" life. Again lucky us in this city there is not too much a problem and when you're used to live at night you don't see the sun anymore (when there is some...) so don't worry about the look of the neighbour . After all those years of occupying the scene they've become more popular and that's why we join most of the time the same parties and you're happy to meet them again. It's like the teacher entering the school class for the first time of the year every year. The students are new and they become younger and younger every year just because you're getting older but your colleagues grow old with you and you say again that it will be a good year. You feel as well that they are in a very small world. They are always together and that is why when anything bad is happening to one of them the other ones show solidarity because they know what it's like. And that is when you take contact with their reality. Let's take the example of Polla Disaster. She's in the city for years and we just learn that she moved back to Poland (her original country) because that is the only place she has health insurance. The system in Germany is quite complicated, heavy ... and very expensive and because she doesn't have any she can't cure her cancer. The benefit party last week at Klub International was for this purpose. Although we had the monthly party at Klub International which is a fabulous place the week before we had to go back to show that we still like to party and have a heart to share. I guess It keeps you running and you don't feel like giving money without return that you always expect. I know people spending money not to show solidarity but to get a tax refund (but this is another story). I only wish that every one at this evening had a little thought for her and that she can join the next party this week-end at Geburtstagsklub "Irrenhouse". I know it looks like party freaks but why not having fun ? It gives good memory, you're with friends and we forget all worries for some hours. This is not too much to ask to be happy.

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