Saturday, March 15, 2008


I had this very interesting conversation with one of my colleague. We shared our experiences and talked about our view of the people working with us. I guess It's because we have about the same age that we almost have the same views. We are no workaholic but the job has to be done and we might sometimes take things personnaly when German will just say "do your job and leave", whatever happens, not my responsability. What for me is completely normal as an action to make It is difficult for the german manager to ask something to the people he's responsible for because most of the time he knows he will have to handle the request carefully to have the job done. Which is not happening with us. We're even happy to be asked something : It shows we can be trusted. There is nevertheless a gap of age. We noticed it yet. Young 20 years younger just don't care about anything and they want to have part with nothing. They only think about the next party. It's OK, I'll get used to it. It's just that I don't like when It disturbs my job because I asked the youngs before if I could have faith in them. So when the job is not done neither to be done they don't understand I'm hard on them. It's like having more than one experience. I have many because I was never scared of a change. Some of our german colleagues, once they entered the company they do their life there so in the end they have no experience at all and when we try to make them understand there is an outside world, they look at us like zombies. I suppose even a coma looks more fun. I met a girlfriend for a coffee today and she explained me that she went out last night, had mayyyyybe one or two drinks too much (you know what It's like, after a while we don't count anymore, oups !) and because she wanted to get laid she waited patiently with another girlfriend for something to happen, drinking and smoking of course (what else can you do, you have to keep your hands busy ...). Because german boys are afraid of woman (they are too agressive) they are frightened of the approach. So my girlfriend made signals (very obvious as she told me) to catch a boy. Once on the dance floor (to see how he moves, I do the same test so I know if the guy is good at sex or not) she made even more obvious signs and guess what was the next action of the guy ? he called his friends because the music was good !!! I laughed of course but she said It was such a pity that nobody wanted to seduce anymore. Time changed, like for the people who only have one job experience. One day they will realize all changed and they will not be prepared. Bad luck. But It will not be their mistake. German have this particularity they will make you feel guilty even if you have done nothing wrong and It is their mistake. They must learn that at school. So she came back home (alone) and asked If she could go out with me tonight because she wants to have fun and does not care of what will happen. Well darling, let me tell you one thing. Going out on gay parties does not mean you are safe and you can't behave. Hunters know the fact that girls like to go out with gays because they feel free and safe from cruising. Wrrrrrrooooooonnnngg. I remember one night in Paris at the Queen a girlfriend of mine came with us with a beautiful dress (very opened one, with planets drown on it) and after a while not seeing her anymore we started to look after her. She was against the wall bored like hell with a guy she did not know how to go away from because the guy put on her arms handcuffs (true!) but he was no policeman, I guess It was just a phantasy or his way to "catch" woman. Well not that funny because we had to negociate her "liberation". Actually now thinking of it, It was maybe his way to meet new ... men !! Well anyway, tonight we have the choice with Irrenhouse at the Geburtstagsklub but already done so I think I will make my choice with the "Repeat" party (celebrating 2 years) at Schwuz. I never was to this one and I know the DJ plays good music knowing how to entertain people. There is no wind anymore so I can try the bike, no other way, strike is still on. Before that I have to meet the barman of Schneeweisschen und Rosenrot who asks me a list of Cognac and Whisky. Why the french is so famous about quality alcohol ? Another debate. Take care you all.

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